This document describes the new features affected in mycloud release sprint

This document is divided into the following sections:

1. About the Release
2. New Features
3. Improvements
4. Additional Resources

About the Release
Release Date: 24-Sep-2024

This release contains the following new features and improvements.

👍 New Features

PMS => Reports => Backdated Permanent & Temporary Out of Order Report

To improve hotel housekeeping staff productivity, the permanent and temporary out-of-order reports have been updated by giving ability to fetch records from past dates, allowing staff to access historical data for better room management and scheduling.

PMS => Reports => Airport Transfer Report

A new “Airport Transfer Report” has been introduced under “Manager Reports”.

The report can be generated based on a selected date range as well as for a specific “service”. It will display bookings that have an associated airport transfer service, allowing managers to focus on relevant data for airport transfer operations.

PMS => Reports => MIS Reservation Statistics

A new report titled “MIS – Reservation Statistics” has been added under “Manager Reports”. This report allows users to generate data based on a selected date and specific MIS parameters e.g. market segment, business source etc. This new functionality is designed to give a clear breakdown of reservation statistics, aiding managers in better decision-making through detailed insights.

PMS => Booked Thru => Option to Merge Two Booked Thru

A new feature has been introduced that allows to merge multiple booked-thru into a single Booked Thru. This functionality is designed to consolidate and freeze duplicate bookings. Once merged, the following information will be transferred to the primary booked-thru:

• MIS data
• All reservations (archived, current, and future)

PMS => Night Audit => Generate MIS Productivity (with Reports) for GSO

As part of the Night Audit, the MIS generation of Global Sales Office has been introduced. The MIS Productivity Reports have also been enhanced to display GSO productivity. Key updates include:

MIS Productivity Report: Displays overall productivity metrics, now including GSO data.
MIS Productivity Combined Report: A detailed report that consolidates multiple MIS productivity metrics, including GSO.
MIS Stats for Date Range: Allows users to generate MIS statistics for a specific date range.

Additionally, the “Purge logs–audit trail” step in the Night Audit has been modified to purge/delete all interface-related database logs, improving system performance.

🚀 Improvements

PMS => Guest Facing Documents
The guest-facing documents such as confirmation letter and registration card has been improved to display the name of the user.

PMS => Reservation => Album
A “Download” option has been introduced to album section to download images, including personal photos, identification images, and PAX (accompanying passengers) photos and identification images.

PMS => History
The history search screen has been updated to show the “Firm” name and total visit and revenue values from all properties. Guest visit details will be visible when searching the profile.

PMS => Express Service
The express service now has a “Release” button for hold reservations, allowing users to release group bookings in one go. For tentative or waitlisted bookings, the system already has the “Confirm Booking” option.

PMS => Groups
Minimum Room Count (Groups): The system has been modified to check the minimum room count for group bookings. If the room count is less than the defined minimum, it will create individual bookings. If the count is equal to or greater, it will ask whether to create a group booking or individual bookings.

Additional Resources
To watch recorded training videos of Property Management System & Point of Sales, check out mycloud YouTube channel –