This document describes the improvements affected in mycloud release sprint

This document is divided into the following sections:

1. About the Release
2. Improvements
3. Additional Resources

About the Release
Release Date: 06-August-2023

This release contains the following improvements.

🚀 Improvements

PMS => Enhanced Club++ Integration

a) The club++ interface has been modified to Map Membership codes to a particular type and description.

b) Guest account transactions has been enhanced to include.

  • GST Charge Code Type
  • Voucher Numbers Generated while collecting advances
  • Date of Advance on Voucher
  • Accounts Receivable ID of that reservation

c) Option to select default membership type and GST number for a particular member from the PMS.

PMS => Group Proforma Invoice

Group Proforma Invoice has been modified to show

1) Leader Name, Booked Thru, GST number of group leader in the Performa invoice header.
2) Guest id will be seen in the detail section of the invoice.
3) Date and Charge type wise amount will be displayed in the detailed section.

PMS => Tape chart

Quick view of the booking will show Group Name, total number of Group PAX, total number of rooms in that group and booked thru source for all bookings.

Additional Resources

To watch recorded training videos of PMS & POS, check out mycloud YouTube channel –